
Welcome to my Website! (legacy heading)

Test Post

This post here exist to test what neocities will allow me to get away with ;)

Okay, the first thing I wanted to do is check whether or not I could uplooad fonts to my directory and use them on my site.
As you can see (look up in the header), it worked like a charm.

BTW, kudos to neocities for the no-fuss file upload facilities. I can easily upload all files on my local dir to the server in one go!

Now, how about adding a syntax highlighter, will we able to do that?...

void *convert_to_string(char *arr, size_t size) {
  char *ptr = realloc(arr, size + 1);
  if(ptr) {
    arr = ptr;
    *(arr + size) = '\0';
    return (void *)ptr;
  } else {
    return NULL;

Awesome! I guess I can do whatever I want here as long as is in Javascript, or HTML, or CSS. umm what about Typescript?, I'll check out that later.
BTW, that function you see there, is for YOU, and look, right the way it is it's usable, but, could be more concise, don't you think?
how about you fix it?... Hint: in practice, we don't really need that if ... and there's one line that, in practice, does nothing.